Lung Cancer Awareness - Help Us, Help You

Patient safety during Covid-19

The NHS England and NHS Improvement, together with Public Health England is advising the public to visit their GP as soon as they are experiencing worrisome medical symptoms.  Many have feared the covid-19 risks at healthcare facilities, and this has ultimately led to their condition to worsened. 

The NHS has implemented additional measurements to ensure patients are protected against Covid-19 while receiving cancer diagnosis. The NHS has warned a cough lasting for three weeks or more, if not COVID-19 related, could be a sign of lung cancer.

Early detection and diagnosis can help the effectiveness of the treatment. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms below please seek medical advice immediately.

Signs & symptoms

  • Chest infections that keep coming back

  • Coughing up blood

  • A long-standing cough that gets worse

  • An ache or pain when breathing or coughing

  • Persistent breathlessness

  • Persistent tiredness or lack of energy

  • Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss   

Spread #LungCancerAwareness #LungCancerSurvivor #CancerCare

Join celebrities and share the powerful video of how lung cancer can have an impact on your wellbeing, and those of friends and family.

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